Beatrice Prior (Tris) lives in a destroyed world. She lives in Chicago, where the population is divided into factions: Amity, Dauntless, Candor, Abnegation and Erudition. Each person chooses a faction, at the age of 16, depending on the results of a test. She lives in … [Read more...]
Trudi Canavan – The Black Magician Trilogy.
Here are the titles of the books: 1-The Magicians' Guild, 2-The Novice and 3-The High Lord. The story begins when the Imardin magicians are throwing out of the city all the people that are believed to be criminals or homeless. Sonea, is a girl whose family is going … [Read more...]
Suzanne Collins – The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay.
This is a dystopian and post-apocalyptic trilogy that happens in United States, there are 13 disctricts and one Capitol. The District 13 was destroyed (not really) because it rebelled against the Capitol. For maintaining the districts in order, the Capitol conducts a … [Read more...]
Patrick Rothfuss – The Kingkiller Chronicle.
The third book of this series isn't published yet, but it's going to be titled "The Doors of Stone". Rumour has it that, perhaps, the third book won't be the last one. Well, I hope to read the third book soon. Please Patrick Rothfuss, publish it soon! The titles of … [Read more...]
Maria V. Snyder – Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study.
There are six books in this series. This are the first three, the fourth is already published and it's named Shadow Study. Soon, I'm going to read it and I will post my opinion. The fifth and sixth books aren't published yet. The story begins when Yelena is chosen, … [Read more...]
Maite Carranza – War of the Witches.
This is a trilogy. Only the first book is translated into english. The titles of the second and third book are: 2- El Desierto de Hielo y 3- La Maldición de Odi. There are two witch clans: the Omar, they're the good ones; and the Odish, they're bad, powerful and … [Read more...]
Liliana Bodoc – The Saga of the Borderlands.
This saga has three books: 1- The Days of the Deer, 2- The Days of the Shadow and 3- The Days of the Fire. Only the first one has been traduced to english. I'll put the images of the three books, but the second and third one are in spanish. There are two continents: … [Read more...]
Laini Taylor – Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Days of Blood & Starlight and Dreams of Gods & Monsters.
Karou is mysterious art student who lives in Praga. She was raised by four chimeras (beings with bodies made from human and animal parts), but she lives as human. She works for Brimstone (one of the chimeras that raised her. He's very special for Karou) bringing him all … [Read more...]