This is a trilogy. Only the first book is translated into english. The titles of the second and third book are: 2- El Desierto de Hielo y 3- La Maldición de Odi.
There are two witch clans: the Omar, they’re the good ones; and the Odish, they’re bad, powerful and vain.
Anaid Tsinoulis is an Omar witch who will discover that she’s really important because she’s part of a prophecy about the survival of the clans. Her mother, Selene, has been hiding Anaid from the other witches, but the moment when she can’t hide her anymore has arrived, so Anaid will have to learn how to control her magic and decide which clan is she going to defend and how is she going to defend it.
I think that this story is very interesting. Despite that the Omar are the good ones, their defects are mentioned in the book, too, are the qualities of the Odish, who are the bad ones. We know that everyone has defects and qualities and I liked that the book didn’t forget this certainty.
The Omar clan is subdivided in more clans depending on the element to which the witches belong and their magic depends on such element. Anaid must learn some abilities that witches of other Omar clans possess to fulfill the prophecy. She, also, behaves sometimes like an Odish and she must learn some abilities of the Odish to become more powerful.
In my opinion, Selene is a good mother. She’s a little crazy, but she has made a lot of things for Anaid’s protection and she’ll, happily, do more things for her daughter.
This is a beautiful trilogy and it’s worth to read.
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