This is Jules Ember’s story. She was the daughter of Everless’ blacksmith, so she grew in that castle. She was a good friend of Roan Gerling, one of the owner’s sons, but one day after an accident, Liam Gerling, Roan’s brother, used his power to make Jules and his father leave Everless, earning Jules’ hate and fear.
One day, after many years, Jules decides to return to Everless. At the castle she discovers aspects of her past that will endanger her and will reveal to her that she had, and has, very powerful enemies.
In this world you can trade with blood-iron. What is this? Is money made from blood that contains an amount of a person’s time, an hour, a year, etc.
Also there’s an interesting and very important legend of an Alchemist and a Sorceress.
These books form a bilogy. The first one seemed to me kind of slow, it gets better near the end and the end was why I decided to read the second one; which is more exciting. I liked it more.
The characters didn’t become my favorites but they didn’t displease me either, well, Roan was maddening. And I believe that Jules could have been very powerful but she never knew how to use all her power.
I thought that trading with blood-iron was very original and I liked “The Alchemist and the Sorceress” story. I like worlds where there is magic.
I think this is an entertaining story, especially the second book, that you can read fast. I thought that it had a cute ending.

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