Celine fled from Paris searching a new life in the magic New Orleans. She never imagined that she would meet the intriguing and dangerous members of “The Court of Lions”, led by Sébastien St Germain, a very attractive man who provokes multiple emotions to Celine.
Full of danger, treasons, romance and friendship, New Orleans will be the place where Celine can be herself and let her darkness show.
I loved this book and I wish to read the next ones. Had been a long time since I read a vampire story which I enjoyed this much. There were times when the relationship between Bastien and Celine made me remember “Pride and Prejudice”.
I wish to know more about the Court’s members and all the other immortals mentioned. Also about The Brotherhood.
I loved that the story took place in New Orleans and that some things were written in french.
The only thing I didn’t love was the killer’s identity, I expected something else. And Count St Germain is a bad “person”.
Well, I hope to find and read the next books soon. I recommend this book, I think it’s an exciting story.

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