Kazi is a Rahtan, an elite guard of the kingdom of Venda.
Along with Synové and Wren, other Rahtan and her greatest friends, she is sent on a mission to find a traitor. This search leads her to Tor’s Watch, a place ruled by the Ballenger family.
There she meets Jase Ballenger, the new “Patrei”, with whom, by chance of fate, she must find a way to survive and coexist.
This book seemed to me a little slow at the beginning but the story got better as I continued reading, and I ended wanting to read the next book. Besides I liked that there were many realms with their politics and economics. And I loved the maps at the beginning and at the end of the book. I love books with maps!
I thought Kazi was very skilled and I liked when she demonstrated it. Also, I liked her story, though it was sad, because it pushed her to become very strong and capable.
Ballenger’s story was interesting too. Their loyalty, pride and antiquity were great. I think that Jase is a strong character (as Kazi) and I liked the way he treated her. For me they’re a great couple.
I enjoyed very much the twist at the end. I was waiting for some emotion like that.
I’m going to read the next book because I must know how the story continues.

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