This book had waited a lot to be read. Finally, I read it and I loved it.
Dr. Jeannie Ferrami studies personality, behavior and the genes of twins. She’s supported by the Jones Falls University and by Berrington Jones, one of the owners of “Genetico”, a very important company.
Jeannie’s studies seem to be evolving perfectly until, misteriously, the press begins to blame her with ethical concerns and the university stops supporting her.
Is there something hidden that someone very powerful doesn’t want to reveal?
I’ve been always interested in the question: the criminality and violence are in our genes? I think this book talks about it genially using twins and clones.
Despite Jeannie wasn’t totally of my liking (she was egocentric), she was intelligent and determined. I liked all the support she received from Steve Logan, he had a lot of patience.
Talking about the story, here you’ll find intrigue, crime, power abuse and psychological problems but also love and loyalty.
In my opinion, this is a very complete and interesting book. It caught my attention since the beginning and when I was reading it I didn’t want to stop. I hope you can read it and enjoy it as I did.
I add it to my favorites.

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