Through the bus window Laurie sees a very nice guy waiting in the bus station. The guy meets her eyes and both feel love at first sight.
Sadly, he misses the bus and he gets lost at the distance.
Would it be their destiny to find each other and be together?
I liked this book. It’s funny and of agile reading. It was a great reading for the season.
I must say that Sarah didn’t seem nice to me, she was kind of selfish and very dominant. Also, there were times when Jack wasn’t nice and, at the beginning, I imagined him different.
Laurie seemed to me very calm and selfless. Sometimes I would have liked her to be less like that and more interested in herself. I wished her the best.
I think it would have been a very frustrating situation for me being in Laurie’s place and I would have said the truth to Sarah (my best friend) since the beginning. Who knows what would have happened.
Well, if you’re looking for a romantic and amusing story, this is a good option.

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