Ruby Otrera lives in Tempesia, a cold land ruled by Frostbloods, people who can create and control frost. This land is ruled by King Rasmus, a cruel boy who wants to extermine all the Firebloods, people who can create and control fire. Ruby is a Fireblood. She doesn’t know how to control her power and during a raid, she loses the control after seeing her mother’s murder. This is the beginning for Ruby’s new life.
In the first book she seeks revenge, but first she must learn some control. She meets Brother Thistle and the cold, mysterious and handsome Arcus, two powerful Frostbloods, who will help her train for achieving her revenge and helping them to destroy the Frost throne. It seems to hold a Minax, a dark creature who has possesed King Rasmus and wants to bring death and destruction.
In the second book, Arcus is the Frostblood king and Ruby isn’t welcome in the Frost Court. They love each other, but Ruby has to leave him. She must travel to Sudesia, the Fireblood’s land for finding an essential book that has information of how to destroy the Minax, the one that wanders freely in Tempesia and the one captive in the Fire throne. She travels with Kai, a tempting Fireblood prince, to Queen Nalani’s land.
There she must face trials for becoming a firemaster, she must deal with the Queen and with the knowledge of her origins.
I enjoyed reading both books, they had all my attention while I were reading them. Both have intrigue, flirting, history, fights, death, malice, hope, loyalty and great characters.
I liked the myth of the four winds, Eurus creator of the Minax, Cirrus a powerful goddess, Fors creator of Frostbloods and Sud creator of Firebloods. It was interesting to learn how everyone was created. Also, I liked the differences in the character of each blood and in the territories they rule.
The end left me wanting to read more. I definitely will read Nightblood, the third book, when it’s published.
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