After an earthquake, a cave is opened on one side of Mount Ararat (Turkey). It is said that, after the flood, Noah’s Ark landed there, so investigators from all over the world travel to Mount Ararat hoping to find the Ark.
Adam and Meryam are writers and they’re newly engaged. Meryam wants to be the one who discovers the Ark, so she convinces Adam to travel to Turkey. The climatic conditions, the possibility of a replica and the guide’s macho leader, Hakan, make it difficult for the couple to be the first ones to climb, but thanks to Feyiz, the leader’s nephew and the couple’s old friend, Hakan decides to guide them.
They compete against a team that began the climb shortly after them, but they get to the cave before the other team. After some scouting, they realize that they’ve discovered the Ark, but there’s a strange coffin where a horrible horned creature lies. They decide to form a team with more specialised investigators to study the Ark’s remains, some human corpses, the strange coffin and the horned creature.
Everyone in the team is restless because of the creature. They have different beliefs and superstitions that eventually make them argue. One night, two members mysteriously dissapear making everyone more restless and afraid…
And they’re right to be afraid because this creature is a powerful demon who will possess some of them and will unleash the hell. As if this was not enough, a terrible blizzard hinders their way out of the cave.
I think this novel has graphic descriptions that keep you focused all the time. I imagined myself as Meryam, Adam or Ben Walker, a DARPA envoy who said he was part of a scientific organization. It must be difficult to deal with people of so many different cultures and religions; and finding a creature that could be dangerous for everyone must be frightening. Nevertheless, at the end, they became one against the demon.
I liked a lot this novel. If you want to read an exciting and frightening novel, you must read Ararat!
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