Perrie has become Vale’s Bride, known as August in book one. She and every immortal created in the Glass Vault were freed to turn all the humans into glass statues sending their souls to the vault to make Vale stronger.
Maisie and Neven, Perrie’s ex boyfriend, are part of the immortals but they have dominated their evil alter egos and recovered their memories. They plan to help Perrie to recover her memory and stop the chaos.
Both “Quinsey Wolfe’s Glass Vault” and “The Bride of Glass” are dark stories. An Underworld prince comes to Earth to steal everyone’s soul but he’s not a common demon and that makes the story more interesting. In this book we read Vale’s story.
I like the alter ego’s part and that they must visit some scary scenes in the vault. I think what happened with Vale was unexpected and there are times when I would have liked it to never happen, nevertheless I consider this is a good story that is worth reading. Besides, some unexpected kindness in the story is a nice touch.
I want to add that Maisie is my favorite character, she’s funny, smart and original.
I recommend this duology.

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