This is the sequel of “The Hunt for Atlantis”. The main characters are Dr. Nina Wilde and her husband Eddie Chase.
Eddie is trying to prove his inocence to the Interpol after being accused of homicide. He’s traveling around the world looking for the real criminals.
In the meanwhile, Nina continues with the investigations in Atlantis. She wants to know everything about the three ancient statues, they’ve found in different countries, that are related with Atlantis. These statues are connected with the earth energy and there are powerful groups and criminals who want to use this energy for dark purposes. They are willing to do everything to get the statues and Nina because she’s the one who can get them working.
This book’s full of action, there only are a few moments when Nina and Eddie aren’t running and fighting for their lives against powerful enemies.
Eddie is always making jokes, even when he shouldn’t be joking. Sometimes he was funny. Nina is more serious. We could say that she’s the brain and Eddie is the muscle.
This is the first book I read of the series. I consider that it makes you have a good time because of all the incredible action scenes. I think I’ll read more of the series’ books because this one was entertaining.
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