Ruby is the main character of this series in which a rare sickness affects the children and teenagers giving them some special powers. They’re called Psi kids.
The government decides to classify them by colors (blue, green, yellow, orange and reds) depending on their abilities. Also, they’re sent to special centers where supposedly they’re rehabilitated, but the truth is that they’re forced to work. Besides the most dangerous ones, yellows, oranges and reds had dissapeared almost entirely. Ruby is orange.
This first book is about all Ruby’s experiences since she receives help to get out of the center where she was locked up.
This book has exciting, emotive and amusing moments. I liked the story because of the variety of abilities and of groups of power interested in getting hold of the most dangerous kids for killing them or for making an army. The kids don’t know who to trust. Some of them were rejected by their families, so they make bad decisions.
The power I liked the most was the orange’s and the one I liked the least is the green’s because there are persons that already have photographic memory and are good with numbers without being Psi.
I liked all the main characters (Ruby, Liam, Charles and Su). They made a good team.
I didn’t like the end but I’m hoping that everything will get better in the next books.
In this edition comes a bonus short story of Liam’s training as a member of The Children’s League with his brother Cole.
I recommend this book and I’ll read the others but first I have to read other “to be read” books.

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