This is another of Poirot’s cases. This time the famous detective is hired by Miss Flora Ackroyd, taking him out of retirement, for solving her uncle’s murder one night at his mansion.
There are multiple suspects because that night a meeting was held. Besides, the victim’s stepson was also seen near the place.
Dr. Sheppard is one of the last who saw Roger Ackroyd and they had an important conversation. Poirot decides to solve the case with the Dr.’s help, always using his method and his brain.
In this story everyone has a secret and its very exciting to follow the tracks to solve the case. These books always make me think and I like that.
Caroline Sheppard and Mrs. Ackroyd (the mother) were the characters I liked the least. The first was nosy, impertinent and liked to think she was very smart, and the second was only interested in money. The other characters were interesting and some of them were nice.
Dr. Sheppard seemed nice and I liked that he worked with Poirot to solve the case. As always, Poirot discovered the murderer no matter what.
This was a book I liked to read. It’s worth reading.

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