Hi! Welcome to my website.
My name is Paulina. One of my favorite hobbies is reading. I love the way books make you imagine many amazing and different places. Besides, I find reading very relaxing and I think that it makes you a better person.
My favorite genres are fantasy, science fiction, epic, thrillers and mistery novels. I read books in spanish and in english, so you’ll find some books that are published in spanish only and you can find some historical novels too.
In this site you will find a list of the authors whose books I’ve read and my opinions of their books. It’s organized in three categories. In “Autoconclusive Novels”, you’ll find the authors whose books aren’t part of a saga; in “Series” you’ll find the ones whose books form sagas; and in “Both” you’ll find the authors that have written sagas and autoconclusive novels. I hope you find my opinions useful.
Have a happy day!