This is the story of Bella Swan, a human that meets and falls in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire that falls in love with her too. This series narrates all the problems they have to deal with because they’re from different species and the vampires drink human blood (Edward’s family is considerated as vegetarian because they only eat animal’s blood). The werewolves have an important place in this story too, being the most important one Jacob Black (Bella’s bestfriend who is in love with her), he makes his way into Bella’s heart and he’s her support in a very difficult time.
The Twilight Saga also talks about the enmity between werewolves and vampires. They’ll have to leave behind this enmity so they can defeat the Vulturi, the oldest and strongest vampires.
This saga has been criticized for its high loving content, but I think that it has exciting moments and you can have a good time reading it. This books are good for teenagers and they’re easy to read.
I enjoyed reading the stories of every member of Cullen’s clan. And I think that it’s kind of odd the impronting of Jacob in a baby.
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