The strange Dr. Victor Hoppe returns to Wolfheim accompanied by his triplets Gabriel, Raphael and Michael. They are identical, they have a harelip and they behave in an unusual way for babies.
The inhabitants distrust the newcomers until the doctor perfoms a miracle, according to them. Nevertheless, they continue paying a lot of attention to everything that happens with Victor Hoppe and his triplets. There’s something odd with them.
This book turned out to be better than I expected. It talks about religion, science and moral. Its main character, Dr. Victor Hoppe, is a brilliant embryologist who was born with Asperger syndrome so he doesn’t see the world as we do and he doesn’t behave as the rest of the world. He’s determined to achieve his goals at whatever cost.
Wolfheim’s habitants were very superstitious and gossiping. It must be very difficult to live in a place where everyone is watching you and judging you.
Well, it’s great when a book exceeds my expectations. I recommend this interesting story.

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