Thomas Fool is one of Hell’s Information Men, his duty is to investigate some of the crimes that are committed in Hell, most of the crimes aren’t investigated because they’re part of Hell’s torments.
One day, a human corpse appears floating in Solomon’s Water, it has a lot of terrible injuries and it’s soul is missing. There are only a few demons who have the power to cause the lost of a soul, but they live in a special place and, usually, they don’t leave that place.
This corpse won’t be the only one and the situation will get worse. Fool must discover who’s the killer with the help of the other two Information Men (Gordie and Summer) and the Man of Plants and Flowers, a very intriguing character.
Also, Fool must attend the meetings of his boss, Elderflower, with the representatives of Heaven, two angels named Adam and Balthazar. Adam gave one of Balthazar’s feathers to Fool as an apology for Balthazar’s aggressiveness when they first met, I mention this because it’s important in the story. Well, this angels will stay in Hell the whole time of the investigation doing their jobs as Heaven’s representatives.
I enjoyed very much reading this book, it kept my attention the whole time with all its suspense and the very descriptive and cold way in which it’s written. I thought that it was very original to use Hell as the place where everything happens. The description of Hell, the demons, the human thinking and all the torments is great. The fact that hope is part of Hell’s torments is very interesting and it’s true that, sometimes, hope is used as a way to manipulate the people.
I loved the end of the book. I knew that Elderflower was more important than he seemed and that Fool was a great detective although he didn’t knew it. This is a great story and it became part of my favorites.
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