The story begins when Bastian, furtively, takes a book from a bookstore and he begins to read it in his school. This book is about a world named Fantastica, ruled by the Childlike Empress. She has a strange disease, therefore, she entrusts the task of finding a cure to Atreyu, a hero. Meanwhile, the Nothing, a phenomenon that dissapears everything in its path, is expanding. The Nothing and the Empress’ disease are related, if the Empress dies, Fantastica dissapears. Atreyu, with the help of a lot of characters, among them, Bastian (with whom he communicates through the book) and the white dragon Falkor, is going to defend his world and he’s going to face a lot of sad and dangerous situations.
This is a novel that caused me a lot of emotions. Sometimes I was extremely sad and sometimes I was very happy or moved by the story. The Nothing is frightening, the way it dissapears everything is really disturbing.
All the characters in this book are full of teachings. There’re terrible characters and there’re the ones who help Atreyu, like Casiopea or Falkor. I love Falkor!
I loved that when Bastian read the Fantastica’s story, he found himself and he found the courage and bravery that he had. I also loved the idea of Bastian getting involved in the solution of Fantastica’s problems.
Michael Ende is one of my favorite writters and The Neverending Story is one of my favorite books. Also, is Momo.
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