Would you like to visit your favorite stories and meet the characters without interfering with the plot?
Amy Lennox has this ability but she finds out about it until she travels, with her mother, to Stormsay, an island in Scotland. Lennoxes are native from that island along with the Macalisters, from whom they’re not friends. Both families take care of maintaining the stories and the characters as they were written.
During her travels into the stories, Amy realizes that someone is stealing ideas from some of the books messing up with the plot. With the help of Will Macalister and the character Werther, of the book named “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by Goethe, she will try to catch the thief but he/she is very smart and knows when is the right moment to enter a story and elude his/her persecutors.
Other difficulties will be that Amy doesn’t know who is truly trustworthy and that in Stormsay she’ll learn a lot of her family’s past.
I would like to have Amy’s ability and talk with my favorite characters, not interfering with the plot is something that doesn’t matter to me. Also, I would like to visit an ancient library such as the one in Stormsay where Amy, Will and Betsy studied.
I liked all the references to books such as “Pride and Prejudice”, “The Jungle Book”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Metamorphosis”, “Oliver Twist”, “Peter Pan”, among many others; and that there were roads to travel to other books or arriving to the “Margin” were the characters rest when they were not taking part in their stories. I also liked to read some fragments of the mysterious manuscript.
I wouldn’t like to become a character of my favorite book. I think that real life is very interesting and full of adventures, despite the tragedies.
The book’s end is intriguing…Well, I think that this book is worth it, it keeps you in suspense when it’s needed and has a lot of characters, including those of previous published books. Additionally, it could inspire the readers to look for the mentioned books and enjoy them.
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