Elisse’s life has been full of darkness and visions of monsters. He was raised by buddhist monks, then he lived some time in India, until he had enough money to travel to New Orleans searching for his father, who abandoned him as a baby.
It’s possible that in New Orleans he will find the reason why these terrible visions haunt him and why he’s different to everyone else, but his arrival could have awaken something dark that could endanger his life and the lives of his new loved ones.
New Orleans is one of my favorite places. I love its magic and legends. Besides, being there is an unforgettable and unique experience. I think that NOLA is an excellent atmosphere for stories like Elisse’s.
Voodoo has always seemed to me very interesting and mysterious. I think that the author researched very well before writing this book and I liked that she chose “Baron Samedi” as an enemy and that she mentioned more Loas and voodoo rituals.
I must confess that Elisse is not one of my favorite main characters and neither the other characters are my favorite, sadly. Nevertheless, I think that this story is super exciting. I thought about it when I wasn’t reading and I waited for the time when I could be free to read more. Besides, the end leaves you wanting to read what will happen next.
I think that book two will be published soon. Definitely, I’ll read it.
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