Samuel Godwin is an art student who finds a job as an art tutor of two young girls in a victorian house in Sussex named Four Winds. The girls live with their father, Ernest Farrow, and with their female tutor and friend, Charlotte Agnew. Juliana Farrow is the oldest one and Marianne Farrow is the younger one. Their personalities are totally different and Samuel finds Marianne’s personality charming, also, she’s very beatiful, but it seems that she’s not the one in who he should be interested.
There are a lot of mysteries in Four Winds, beginning with the four statues that gave the house its name and the missing statue of the West Wind; the dismissal of the previous art tutor, who’s the creator of the statues, and also, the dismissal of the female tutor of the girls at the same time; their mother’s death and Juliana’s total unhappiness. Samuel will solve this mysteries and he’ll find that there are terrible things happening in Four Winds.
This novel is different from the ones that I, usually, read, but I liked it. It’s realistic, however, the way in which it’s written made me think that Four Winds, its statues and the Farrows seemed to be surrounded by something magical; of course it was only my thought and all the explanations to the mysteries weren’t magical, everything was explained with human cruelty and desperation.
The house and all its details are, precisely, described. Four Winds and its environs are beautiful and it would be great to live in such a place.
I was very satisfied with the end and I enjoyed reading this kind of novel.
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