Ricky Granger, alias Priest, is the leader of a wine commune located in a valley that California’s government wants to flood and turn into a dam.
Priest used to be a criminal until he retired to the commune and he took control of everything and everyone using his charisma and cunning. He loves this commune so he’s convinced that he must save it. With other members, he makes a plan to convince the governor to negotiate with them. This plan consists of causing earthquakes using a seismic vibrator.
He’s not interested in how many victims there’ll be nor in the damages, he’s only interested in saving the commune at all costs.
FBI agent Judy Maddox will have to be very intelligent and fast to catch Priest. Besides, she will have to face her boss, Brian Kincaid. He’ll put obstacles in her way because he doesn’t want her to be such a good agent.
I liked that the book gets more exciting as the end approaches. Priest is obsessive but cunning and he was lucky sometimes. He deserved the end he received.
There’s something I didn’t understand: why no one knew that a seismic vibrator had been stolen. That machine is used by oil companies with lots of money that would have insisted the authorities to find it. Priest moved it without anyone noticing. Of course, if it had been known before and the police had located the vibrator, there would be no book.
Speaking of another issue, I hated Brian Kincaid and his eagerness to ridicule and damage Judy’s performance. He was inept and boor. I was very happy when she took control and she put him in evidence.
I think this is an exciting book and it’s worth reading.
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