This is a dystopian and post-apocalyptic trilogy. It takes place after the Detonations, many explosions that left a devastated world. This world is divided into those who live inside the Dome and are called Pures and those that live outside it and are called Wretches (they are fused with objects or other people). Pressia, our main character, is a Wretch.
Outside the Dome ashes are always falling and the life is very difficult. It’s difficult to find food and there are many dangers. The Detonations have created some terrible creatures and some of the fusions that the humans have suffered made them dangerous.
Inside the Dome the life is normal and without danger. Patridge, is going to be the leader of the Dome’s people when his father dies. However, he discovers that his mother could be alive and outside the Dome.
Pressia doesn’t agree with the unequal situation between Wretches and Pures, so, she’s going to try to find a way to convince the Pures of allowing the Wretches inside the Dome. Patridge’s and Pressia’s paths will cross giving them surprises, but they’ll have to separate and continue their paths by their way. Pressia will receive help from Bradwell, El Capitan and Helmud. The three of them are going to become very special for Pressia.
It’s a very original and moving trilogy. It’s written with a lot of imagination. Some of the people’s fusions are incredible, for example, Bradwell’s fusion with the birds or Pressia’s grandpa with the ventilator inside his neck or El Capitan and Helmud. I’m impressed by the idea of a world like that.
You’ll read about incredible creatures and very degrading situations that the survivors live day by day. All of them have to fight for their lives, perhaps some of them would prefer to stop fighting and die.
The responsability and cleverness are important in this story. Also is the love, the friendship and the wish of knowing yourself in the case of Pressia.
I consider this trilogy one of the best dystopian trilogies and one of my favorites.
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