This is the most recent case of David Gurney’s series. A case that takes place in a town, Larchfield, where supposedly there is no violence and many rich people live.
The Russell family is practically the owner of the town. Angus Russell is the first of the victims and the killer seems to be a guy who returned from death.
Gurney starts to work in the case after he receives a call from an ex partner who’s the actual chief of police in the town.
I didn’t like the previous book and it made me think that the series was decaying but I liked a lot this one and it made me change my mind.
I liked very much the complexity of the case and the supernatural touch. Also that there was a group of reigious fanatics.
I liked the characters of Kyra Barstow and Brad Slovak. The first one was intelligent and the second one was nice and good worker. They made a good team despite their differences.
I thought that Mike Morgan was very unstable and that he mustn’t have been a police officer. Of the town population Hilda Russell was the only reliable one, in my opinion.
And I liked that Hardwick appeared and helped Gurney. He’s a great support for Gurney.
I hope that this series continue. I have liked most of them and David Gurney is one of my favorite literary characters.
I recommend this book and I think it will catch your attention since the beginning as it happened to me.

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