In a quaint and quiet german town, named Bad Münstereifel, some girls have been kidnapped. Everyone in town is concerned, but they don’t know where to begin the search.
Pia Kolvenbach lives in Bad Münstereifel and she’s known as the granddaughter of the woman who exploded, but that’s not what really happened to Pia’s grandma. After this accident, Pia’s classmates are afraid of her and reject her. The only one brave enough to talk to her is a boy named Stefan, who’s not popular, but with the time, they’ll become bestfriends and they’ll solve the mystery of the kidnapped girls by listening to the magic stories about the town that Herr Schiller tells them.
The end was a surprise for me. It was shocking because of the reasons the kidnapper and killer had.
I liked Herr Schiller stories about the witches, the fire man and The impassive Hans, who’s someone who lives in the town.
Pia really wanted to stop being known for her grandma’s accident, so she was determined to discover who the kidnapper and killer was and there were sometimes when she wanted to take all the credit, but Stefan deserved part of it too, he helped her very much.
In my opinion, Pia’s mother could have been more patient with her husband and with everything.
Well, I enjoyed this book and I think it’s worth reading.
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