The world is ruled by an AI named Talis. It took charge of the world after having to intervene in human wars. It decided that each world leader had to give his/her child (one) as a hostage who would be killed if the leader went to war. These children were known as the “Children of Peace”.
Greta is one of them and she’s the main character. She used to follow all the rules, but Elian’s arrival, a new hostage, could detonate a change in her.
The book’s topic and the reason why these children existed was very interesting. Their situation was very difficult, despite their children were hostages, the leaders continued with wars, so some of these children were sacrificed. I wouldn’t like to be one of these children.
It seems to be impossible for men to control their warlike instincts, always trying to solve problems using force.
In this book, Greta isn’t part of my favorite characters. I prefer Talis, despite he can be very cruel sometimes and Elian, who’s a rebel despite he’s frightened.
I wouldn’t like to live in a world ruled by an AI. I don’t trust in the super advanced machines. I have always said that I don’t want to see the day when we depend completely on machines. In this book, they don’t depend on machines, but they’re ruled by one, I don’t want to see that neither.
Well, I think that this book wasn’t very exciting and it was kind of slow sometimes, but as I’ve said the story is very interesting and I think it has a lot of potential. I believe that it’ll get better in the second book, so I’ll read it.
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