This book is a compendium of stories written by Edgar Allan Poe about themes such as vengeance, madness, torture, homicides, resurection, etc. They’re written in a very dark and poetic way.
I liked “The Black Cat”, “The Cask of Amontillado”, “The Pit and The Pendulum” and “Some Words With a Mummy”.
I think it would be interesting to talk with a mummy (a nice one) about how the life was when it lived, or walk in the tunnels under Montresor’s mansion or decipher a crime as Dupin.
In my opinion, Poe must be read by all the people who enjoy reading.
I wasn’t frightened by his stories but if you think that they’re frightening, you can read them at day light.
This edition has some beautiful illustrations. There are a lot of books in english where you can find the same tales as in this one.

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