The main character’s name is never revealed in this story. It takes place in Manderley, Lord De Winter’s mansion.
The main character marries the Lord after meeting him at Montecarlo. He was married once but his wife died in the sea, her name was Rebecca and she was loved by everyone.
When the new couple arrives at Manderley, she notices how important Rebecca was. All the servants respected her and all the Lord’s family and friends were fond of her. All this makes the new wife feel insecure. She decides that is better to keep everything as the ex kept it and this is how she begins to compare herself to Rebecca all the time, making her life a little bit miserable.
The situation could change, for worse or for better, after a discovery made by accident during a storm.
This book was addictive and it kept me in suspense all the time. I enjoyed a lot imagining Manderley.
I thought that the main character hadn’t self-confidence, she wasn’t very smart and she seemed kind of weak. There are clues along the story that makes us ask ourselves if there was something strange in Rebecca’s death, she ignored all of them. Besides I believe that everything could have been better if she would have been more self-confident.
I hated Mrs. Danvers. She was obsessed with Rebecca and she was a bad person. If I were the new wife I would have fired her from the beginning.
The end wasn’t what I excepted because I wanted more. It’s an ending that leaves you wondering what happened next.
In my opinion, this book is very recommendable. I’m considering adding it to my favorites list.

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