After a terrible car accident, Liv’s soul wakes up in Morgan’s body. Morgan’s soul seems to have disappeared and Liv’s body is already buried.
Liv is very confused and she wants to tell someone what’s happening, but she knows doing it means that she’ll be sent to a mental institution. So she decides to continue with Morgan’s life and she discovers that her bestfriend had a lot of secrets and mysteries to be solved.
This new life will be complicated for Liv-Morgan.
I liked a lot this book because it talked about new beginnings and it’s romantic.
I think that Morgan’s life (the real one) was terrible. She was always sad, lonely and feeling uncomprehended. She was cold to hide she was suffering. Fortunately, she had Liv who was always supporting her, even when Morgan’s soul dissapeared she continued supporting her. She solved all the mysteries.
She also had Clay, who was a really nice guy who had already sacrificed a lot for his brother Nathan. I loved the end of the book!
I think this is a book that’s worth reading because it makes you remember it days after you finished it and it’s a great story.
Ann Aguirre is a great writer!
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