Nina and Eddie must save the world again. This time from a very dangerous and ancient substance that could be used as a biological weapon. The Vikings talked about it and called it “eitr”. Long time ago, the russians discovered a pit and experimented with the eitr but they realized that it was very dangerous so they destroyed the pit.
Nina and Eddie get involved in this mission after the robbery of an ancient monolith which had Viking runes written and was being analyzed in a museum in Sweden. The runes could be directions for arriving to another eitr pit. They must discover who are the thieves and their motives. Parallel to this story, there’s another of one of Eddie’s missions in Vietnam that helps us to understand more about the plot.
The book is full of action, sometimes the scenes are completely incredible but it’s amusing to read them.
I liked the part of Viking history and the investigation for reaching Valhalla. The characters visit some places I would like to visit too. Eddie’s mission in Vietnam is very exciting, the contacts he made and all he discovered was very interesting.
I disliked that Eddie didn’t want to tell everything to Nina even if it was important information for the mission. That was a bad thing in my opinion.
Definitely, the end left me in suspense. I’ll have to investigate what happens with the characters after that end.

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